The election war room, currently one of India’s most significant means of political counseling, is a further method of political branding. Typically, during an election campaign, the war room is crucial. Here, our team of professionals focuses on rehearsing and celebrating all political holidays, participating in public exercises, and organizing the steps and tactics for upcoming events. We need employees, tool architects, and PC information examiners to set up a political war room. We help the candidate for office build up their campaign in the best possible way.
Political War Room Services
Close Monitoring on the voters
Strategy formulation
SEO Aspects
Management of Rallies
War Room Decision-Structuring
A setup where the central commander works in close proximity or in one room. This permits speedy decision-making and prompt action.
Media monitoring the War Room
10 to 12 assistant dimension staff members who watch, notice, and warn against all media moves.
Election Day War Room
There is a mid-day war room for the investigation on Election Day when there are strong movements to win over voters
Leadpac will assist your group in developing a plan and a strategy for the forthcoming activities. Additionally, we keep tabs on voter movements every day. Both the analysis and the adjustments have been planned out and are ready to go. To ensure a successful election campaign management process, our team of qualified analysts will also observe and participate in all rallies.